Freight, Cargo, and Shipping Services in Obetz, Ohio
  • 2309 Williams Rd., Obetz, Ohio 43207
  • Feel free to talk to us! 704-293-5368

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a cargo truck

Introducing Brucks T

Whether you want to ship or move your goods on land, air, or water, Brucks T, Inc. makes sure we deliver your goods and products safely and efficiently. We have innovative tech solutions and a fleet of vehicles that will exceptionally meet your cargo, freight, and shipping needs. Our skilled team has the combined experience of managing the supply chain, processing state regulations, and ensuring your deliverables reach your desired destination. We aim to help our clients with their business operations and personal ventures through our services.

What We Do Services We Offer

Brucks T, Inc. takes pride in delivering quality freight, cargo, and shipping services, locally and internationally.

a man wearing protected gear looking at shipping containers


We move your deliverables in different modes.

Click Here
shipping containers

General Freight

We provide quick and safe transport of commodities.

Click Here

We Are Committed Our Mission Statement

Brucks T, Inc. delivers exceptional logistics services that aim to transport goods safely and efficiently with professionalism, transparency, and integrity. We aim to be your reliable partner who positively influences your business and personal operations.


Reach Out to Us Send Us a Message

Do you have any questions in mind? Please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

a woman smiling carrying piles of cardboard